"Lo siento mi amor, me arrepiento de todo."

Heart-Broken Asesina

Small Character Photo

Name: Ariella Rodriguez

Age: 29


Character Description:Ariella was the happiest kid, helping her parents with work and caring for her siblings. She often spent her time daydreaming about one thing and one thing only: romance. The idea of finding a partner was one of the biggest things to her, to start a family. She was homeschooled her whole life until she decided to take a step and ask her parents if she could go to high school. Her parents agreed. There she met Luis Aguilar. The two had fallen in love at first sight. And after years of being classmates, they married. Ariella was at her happiest. Her life took a dark turn when she discovered her husband was having an affair, a revelation that shattered the illusion of the stability she had worked so hard to build. Consumed by a mix of rage, heartbreak, and desperation, Ariella's actions that followed led to a shocking and irreversible consequence, forever altering the course of her life. She grabbed the nearest kitchen knife and attacked Luis and the lady he was sleeping with. Only Ariella left that room alive. She disposed of the bodies and hid from her family, worried she might lash out on them. She was caught and is now on the run while trying to hide the truth from her beloved family. She's not doing so well with that plan.

Full Photo.

Character Full Photo

Fun fact:

I made this character based on the song Besos Y copas, which is the song playing now!

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